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Eric Wu
Head of Growth

Introducing RelayPay 2.0 Major Updates - RelayPay

September 21, 2023
reading Time:
5 min
We understand that empowering people with control over their digital assets is paramount. 'Not your keys, not your crypto' is our guiding principle, and today, with the launch of RelayPay 2.0, we're taking this philosophy to new heights. It's a thrilling chapter in our journey, and we couldn't be more energised to share it with you all."
Eric Wu
Head of Growth

Built for People to Use Crypto: RelayPay 2.0

We hope you're all as thrilled as we are about the launch of RelayPay 2.0! We've been building with excitement, waiting for this day to arrive, and now that it's finally here, we can't wait for you to dive in and see what we've been working on.

So, let us give you the lowdown on what RelayPay 2.0 brings to the table. We've been working hard to deliver a whole new level of frictionless customer experience and market-leading utility.

First things first, a fresh coat of paint on our website and product designs. We've completely refreshed the look and feel, making everything more user-friendly and visually appealing. Like a breath of fresh air, we're sure you're going to love it.

Now, let's talk product - the upgraded features and new offerings that will make your crypto journey smoother than ever before. Brace yourself, here we go!

Frictionless Crypto Payments: Buying, Selling and Spending

We've fine-tuned the process of buying, selling, and spending crypto on our platform. It's now easier than ever to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stablecoins and more using any crypto wallet or any crypto exchange. 

RelayPay was built for the Bitcoin believers and DeFi degens who understand not your keys, not your crypto. Our solution is predicated on making cryptocurrency payments and transactions more efficient for everyone.

A couple of major updates and releases:

Australian Third Party Transfers - Process AUD transfers to any Australian bank account from the sale of your crypto.

Increased Limits on Bill Payments with Crypto - Pay your bills with crypto. We have increased the daily transaction limit and can now allow for multiple BPAY, Credit Card, Rent and Utility payments with crypto per day. Keep an eye out on our next blog posts, where we will run you through some innovative ways to get the most out of this product.

Spend Crypto - We have made huge head way and expect to see more and more businesses accepting cryptocurrency as a payment option.

Powerful Upgrades - We've taken our existing products and given them a boost of power. Expect faster transactions, enhanced security, and an overall smoother experience. We love hearing your feedback, and we're constantly striving to make our platform the best it can be.

Exciting New Features

Thanks to our new licensing arrangements, we've got some fresh features lined up for you. While we don't want to spoil all the surprises, let's just say they'll make your crypto more free than ever.

Now, we know you might be wondering why did we revamp, upgrade, and innovate like crazy? Well, we did it for us... and for you. As crypto veterans, we saw what the space needed and we built it. Your needs have been at the forefront of our minds throughout this journey. But we use RelayPay too.

We believe crypto is transforming the world, making finance more inclusive, accessible, and empowering for everyone. With RelayPay 2.0, we're taking another step towards that vision, and we couldn't have done it without your support.

We're immensely grateful for each one of you, our incredible community. Your enthusiasm, feedback, and loyalty has fuelled our passion and commitment to delivering the best possible service. We couldn't be prouder to have you on this journey with us.

As you explore the new RelayPay 2.0, we encourage you to try out all the new features and embrace the future of crypto payments. We're here to answer your questions, listen to your suggestions, and make this platform the home you deserve in the crypto world.

So, let's raise a virtual toast to RelayPay 2.0 - a new chapter that's filled with endless possibilities. Together, we'll continue to make a positive impact in the world of crypto and beyond.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure with us!

With gratitude and energy,

Your RelayPay Team

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